VLP21-VRH, Delta Sensor Vietnam, Deltasensor Vietnam, Delta chính hang, Delta chinh hang, phân phối Delta Vietnam
- For Extreme Detection
- Visible Laser Alignment
- Alarm signal
Typical Applications
Slab - bloom detection at the exit of reheating furnace
The Emitter VLP21 unit emits a high power infrared laser pulse. This pulse is received by a photosensitive diode fitted with an optical filter and whose signal is processed by the incorporated circuitry of the Receiver VRH. The output changes state depending on whether the modulated beam is interrupted or not. The modulation of the emission, the particular characteristics of the optical filter and the automatic correction for ambient light make the sensor insensitive to any other source.
Special Features
- Very high power infrared laser pulse.
- Insensitivity to ambient light and radiation from furnaces.
- Pre-failure, alarm output when the lenses are becoming dirty (signal at the limit of detection threshold).
- Air purging and water-cooling.
- Modular construction allowing rapid maintenance.
Commissioning and Alignment
The red laser alignment pointer makes the installation of the optical barrier VLP21/VRH simple and rapid. The laser pointer is activated with a push button at the back of the emitter unit VLP21 and remains on during 10 min.
The receiver has a special alignment mode and the LED blinking rate gives an indication of the signal level. These features are used to optimize the receiver alignment.