MONITEK TURBIDITY galvanic Vietnam
Hãng sản xuất: GALVANIC
MONITEK TURBIDITY galvanic Vietnam, MONITEK TURBIDITY galvanic Viet nam , MONITEK TURBIDITY galvanic
Whether you’re brewing beer, optimizing critical pharmaceutical-manufacturing processes, or monitoring industrial wastewater for contamination, you need rugged, reliable, real-time results to optimize your processes and assure consistent quality and regulatory compliance. Galvanic delivers with its Monitek optical-technology-based turbidity, suspended solids, and color monitors, which delivers the highest performance-to-cost ratio of any in-line liquid process monitor on the market today.
The Utmost in Flexibility to Meet Your Toughest Analytical Challenges
Monitek’s two-component systems include modular, fit-for-purpose in-line sensors and submersible, insertion, and cell-density probes. These sensors pair with a messenger controller, which features intuitive multi-language graphical interface, setup via laptop PC or touchscreen, depending on model, automated cleaning cycles, and more. Unlike most turbidity, concentration, and color monitors, which can handle only one probe at a time, Monitek’s universal messenger controller can handle up to four discrete inputs, each individually controllable to monitor different streams or parameters, dramatically lowering the overall cost and complexity of system set up and operation.
Rugged, reliable sensors and probes to meet every analysis need
Extensive configuration of sensor options to meet application-specific requirements, e.g. line size, process connections, sensor material, pressure, temperature, gasket materials, optical path length, etc.
Light-scattering and light-absorption techniques
Standardized and custom-engineered sensor cells
Compact, modular optics
Price/performance advantage
Universal messenger controller delivers unparalleled flexibility and economical operation
Easy set up and intuitive, multi-language graphical interface
Wide range of communication options, including 4-20 mA, relay alarms, RS 232 to a computer, RS 485 Modus protocols and integral data logging
One messenger controller can interface with any combination of sensors (turbidity, TSS, color), with up to four sensor inputs
Each sensor has an independent interface channel on the messenger. Data is displayed and outputted individually with different units of measurement including NTU, JTU, AU, Hazen, EBC, ppm, g/l, % concentration, ASTM color, Saybolt color units, and others
Messenger outputs can interface with customer DCS to provide valuable process information for process control, such as detection of filter breakthrough, upset process conditions, requirement for chemical dosing, etc.
Wastewater treatment & chemical-dosing control via suspended-solids monitoring
Coal Mining
Wastewater treatment & chemical-dosing control via suspended-solids monitoring
Copper Mining
Copper-concentration monitoring during ore acid leaching process & refining
Chloride contamination monitoring during copper (sulfate) refining
Food & Beverage
Beer filtration monitoring
Color of food products
Filter breakthrough
Filtration feedback
Turbidity of food products
Natural Gas Processing
Color of LNG & LPG
Oil & Refining / Petrochemical
APHA color in HCL production
Filter breakthrough monitoring in chlor-alkali bleach process
Heat exchanger leak detection
Naphtha color / quality in crude distillation unit
Oil in produced water
Saybolt color scale in refined products
Pharmaceutical & Personal-Care Products
Filtered water process
Control plating operation – copper