Humidity, Humidity Veris, HD1NMSTB, HD1NMSTB Veris, Đại lý Veris tại Việt Nam
Hãng sản xuất: Veris
Humidity, Humidity Veris, HD1NMSTB, HD1NMSTB Veris, Đại lý Veris tại Việt Nam
HD Deluxe humidity transmitters provide an ideal solution for measuring relative humidity in all conditions. All devices are equipped with a thin-film capacitive sensor that is easily replaceable in the field. The duct mounted HD is encased in a die cast metal housing for extra strength. All models come with an extended five-year warranty.
- Managing energy systems
- Controlling HVAC systems for improved comfort and energy savings
- Museums, schools, printing shops, and other locations requiring humidity control
- Facilitating compliance with ASHRAE standards for environmental control and indoor air quality
Sense humidity in harsh environments
- Thin-film polymer capacitive sensor element recovers from 100% saturation
- Replace element in the field...maintain accuracy and minimize downtime
Rugged industrial design
- Sensor element can be serviced without disturbing conduit
- Polarity insensitive analog output...flexible systems compatibity
- HS element is microprocessor profiled with on-board nonvolatile memory
- Minimizes field calibration downtime