E30E Series, E30E042, E30E042 Veris, Veris - E30E042, Advanced Monitoring w/Ethernet, Advanced Monitoring w/Ethernet Veris Viet Nam
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E30E042, E30E042 Veris, Veris - E30E042, Advanced Monitoring w/Ethernet, Advanced Monitoring w/Ethernet Veris Viet Nam
The E30E Series ethernet-enabled Solid-Core Panelboard Monitoring System provides a cost effective solution for electrical load management, making it ideally suited for applications where loads are dynamic, such as the data storage industry, lighting panels, etc.
The E30E042 kit with Advanced functionality monitors voltage, current, power and energy consumption for mains and branches in a panelboard. The accumulated information can be accessed via an ethernet or serial communications interfaces using Modbus,BACnet or SNMP protocols. As any circuit approaches the user-configured thresholds, alarm indicators are triggered, preventing costly downtime from overloaded circuits or failed loads.
The E30E042 kit includes an Advanced measurement unit with metal housing, two strips of 21 ea 100A solid core current transducers spaced 3/4" apart and two 4 ft round ribbon cables for connecting the CT strips to the main board. Both flat and round ribbon cables in various lengths are available for use with this product to fulfill your application needs (see CBL). CTs for monitoring mains and neutrals are sold separately (see H681x-xxxA-.3V, E681xxxxxx, E682xxxxxx).
Firmware 1.026 addresses a commissioning issue where setting a CT rating after attaching the corresponding channel to a logical meter will lead to the rating being ignored until the meter is restarted.
This release also adds support of THD values on E30A, E30E and E31A, E31E models.
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- Data center energy management
- Overload protection and infrastructure management
- Subtenant billing
- Load based cost allocation
- Load management
- Load balancing
- Lighting circuit monitoring
- ANSI & IEC Class 1 metering system accuracy (1%, including branch CTs)
- Built-in ethernet and serial communication with Modbus, BACnet, & SNMP protocols
- Versatile support for any combination of 1, 2, 3 pole breakers
- Phase angle measurements of every current and voltage input
- Energy snapshots and demand measurements
- Signed Power factor to indicate leading or lagging current
- Reports voltage, current, power and energy for mains and branches...one product covers the whole panelboard
- Monitors up to 46 circuits (42 branch circuits, one 3-phase main, one neutral) with one device...saves space
- 3/4” spaced solid-core 100 A current sensors…flexible installation
- 4 user-configurable alarm thresholds and individual monitoring of all branches...improved load management
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