
Rugged, reliable and waterproof, the YSI 556 MPS (Multiprobe System) combines the versatility of an easy-to-use, easy-to-read handheld unit with all the functionality of a multiparameter system.

Instrument Only.  Cables, probes/sensors, and accessories sold separately.


  • Overview 
  • Specifications 
    Buffer Recognition Yes
    Connectivity / Communications RS-232 Serial
    Connector MS (military spec) waterproof with bayonet lock
    GLP Compliance Yes
    Graphic Display Graphic
    Measurement Range Dissolved Oxygen-0 to 500% air saturation/0 to 50 mg/L, Temperature--5 to 45°C, Conductivity-0 to 200 mS/cm, Salinity-0 to 70 ppt, pH-0 to 14 units, ORP --1999 to +1999 mV, (auto range), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-0 too 100 g/L, Barometer -500 to 800 mmHg
    Multiparameter Yes
    Parameters Measured Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Conductivity, Temperature, ORP
    Power optional rechargeable pack, 4 alkaline C-cells
    Sampling Yes
    Unit of Measure pH- units, ORP-mV, Dissolved Oxygen-% air saturation, Conductivity-mS/cm, Salinity-ppt, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-g/L, Temperature-°C, Barometer -mmHg, mg/L
    User Calibratable Yes
    User Replaceable Yes
    Warranty 3-year instrument; 1-year probes and cables