FT-C, FT-C Fulton, Fulton's vertical coil design thermal fluid Fulton, Thiết bị gia nhiệt chất lỏng FT-C Fulton, Fulton VietNam
Thermal Fluid (hot oil) Heater
- Modulating Gas, Oil, Dual Fuel and Low Emissions Gas Burners are Available
- Customized Designs and Controls Available
- Minimal Floor Space Required
Fulton's vertical coil design thermal fluid (hot oil) heater offers a compact, fuel-fired 4-pass heater design capable of operating temperatures to 750°F (400°C) with heater sizes from 800,000 BTU/hr to 14,000,000 BTU/hr output. The heater is designed to allow for high fluid velocities and low film temperatures, which translates into system longevity. Fulton offers several burner and control options to best meet your application needs.