MEHRER Vietnam, mehrer vietnam, Chuyên cung cấp thiết bị MEHRER, Đại lý chính hãng MEHRER Vietnam

MEHRER Vietnam Code: 03000065-1
 Description: Suction valve
 Typ S-N
 replacement for article nos:
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 03000066-1
 Description: Delivery valve
 Typ D-N
 replacement for article no. 03000066
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00028007
 Description: Big end bearings
 d 70
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00141031
 Description: Piston
 D 170
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00145025
 Description: Piston cover
 D 135
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 03065216
 Description: Conical spring washer
 d 17
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01056004
 Description: Lock plate
 S 6
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01025022
 Description: Hexagon nut
 M 16 -8
 replacement for article 01027012 and
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01004572
 Description: Hexagon socket h.c. screw
 M 6
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00141049
 Description: Piston
 D 80
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00145026
 Description: Piston cover
 D 79
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01056027
 Description: Lock plate
 d 17
 replacement for article no. 03065616
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01025022
 Description: Hexagon nut
 M 16 -8
 replacement for article 01027012 and
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01056004
 Description: Lock plate
 S 6
 replacement for article no. 01056006 + 007
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 01004566
 Description: Hexagon socket h.c. screw
 M 6
 Replacement of article no. 01004565
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00143073
 Description: Guide ring
 D 80
 Replacement for Art.No. 00143015
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00142084
 Description: Piston ring
 D 80
 replacement for article no. 00142024
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00143084
 Description: Guide ring
 D 170
 repalcement for article no. 00143018
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 00142094
 Description: Piston ring
 D 170
 replacement for article no. 00142027
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 03000094-1
 Description: Suction valve
 Typ S-N
 replacement for articles no. 03000094,
 03000048 and 03000050
MEHRER Vietnam Code: 03000095-1
 Description: Delivery valve
 Typ D-N
 replacement for articles no.03000095,
 03000049 and 03000051