Optitherm III Pyrometter VietNam, Emissivity Measuring Infrared Thermometer Optitherm III, Nhiệt kế hồng ngoại đo phát xạ Optitherm III Pyrometter VietNam
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Optitherm III Pyrometter VietNam, Emissivity Measuring Infrared Thermometer Optitherm III, Nhiệt kế hồng ngoại đo phát xạ Optitherm III Pyrometter VietNam
Optitherm III
Emissivity Measuring Infrared Thermometer
The Optitherm® III infrared thermometer temperature measurement system uses fiber optics and the latest pulsed laser infrared technology to measure precisely a single or multi-wafer temperature during in-situ epitaxial growth in CVD, MBE, MOCVD or sputtering applications. While all passive infrared thermometer instruments measure a target radiance temperature, the Optitherm® determines dynamically the emissivity value of a specular target resulting in unmatched wafer temperature measurement accuracy to ±3°C for temperature control.
The Optitherm® incorporates an active reflectometer technique to determine the target emissivity (E%) and true temperature (Te). This is accomplished by automatically measuring the target specular reflectivity at the same time, location and wavelength as the infrared radiation temperature measurement to determine the true wafer temperature. The microprocessor collects these values at an extremely fast 1ms data acquisition rate and transmits data to host PC for temperature calculation, data logging and immediate process temperature control.
The Optitherm® infrared technology can be implemented into a variety of in-situ semiconductor applications including production tools, wafer processing, research and development anywhere accurate temperature measurements are critical. Other process fabrication applications for the Optitherm® include wafer rotation and speed, wafer alignment (out of position) and process fault operating conditions.
Product FeaturesSemiconductor Wafer Temperature Measurement
Non Contact Infrared Thermometer Automatically Measures Temperature & Emissivity Temperature Range: 250°C – 1500°C Temperature Accuracy: ±3°C 6 Spectral Wavelengths Available: 808, 850, 905, 940, 980, and 1550nm Data Acquisition Rate to 1ms Digital RS232 PC Interface Output 70 Readings Per Second to Host PC Target Spot Sizes From 0.25” and Larger Fiber Optic Sensor Temperature Measurement Other Process Applications include Wafer Rotation Speed and Process Operating Fault Conditions |
Product Applications• Semiconductor Temperature Wafer Measurement
• Improve economics and quality control of wafer fabrication and manufacturing • Production, Research & Development of Wafers • Monitor growth rate and layer thickness • Temperature measurement of epitaxial growth in: CVD Reactors MBE Reactors MOCVD Reactors • Specular Targets and Substrates • Process Fault Conditions including wafer rotation, speed, alignment and positioningADVANTAGES • Measures Rapidly Changing Emissivity During Layer Growth Providing Accurate Temperature Determination • Waveband Selection Based on Target Material Properties • Emissivity Channel Can Be Field Calibrated • Rapid Response TimeCOMPATIBLE SUBSTRATES • Silicon • Silicon Carbide • Silicon Nitride • Indium Arsenide • Gallium Arsenide • Gallium Nitride • Indium Phosphide • Germanium • Highly Polished Metals |
Industry UsesInfrared IR Thermometers, Non Contact Thermometers, Research and Development, Semiconductor