Lenox/Pultz High-Temperature Video Camera Systems, Hệ thống camera video nhiệt độ cao Lenox Firesight VietNam
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Lenox/Pultz High-Temperature Video Camera Systems, Hệ thống camera video nhiệt độ cao Lenox Firesight VietNam
Lenox/Pultz High-Temperature Video Camera Systems
These high-temperature video cameras are designed to be mounted directly through the wall of a furnace or other combustion chamber. The camera housing mounts in a 3.5 in. diameter opening and employs triple-wall laminar flow for efficient water cooling of the camera in applications up to 4250°F.
These systems employ pinhole lens technology to provide clear images with virtually no interference. Units are available in lengths of 18 in., 24 in., and 30 in. The camera provides a straight-ahead direction of view with a 30°, 45° or 90° field of view. Lenox/Pultz camera systems are widely used in continuous casters, reheat furnaces, tunnel furnaces, pellet and sintering operations, molten metal pouring stations, blast furnaces, continuous annealing and vacuum degassers in steel mills, in rotary kilns and bark burning furnaces and in a variety of applications in glass production.